Andrea Has Questions
Andrea Has Questions is a weekly-ish show that celebrates the random, inspiring, funny and charming things about people in and around Tulsa. Hosted by Andrea Myers.
Andrea Has Questions
Did you turn on the mic?
Long-time friend and sorta second-time AHQ guest, Kristin Ware joins me to talk about how we met as interns many years ago over lots of paper, her love of a hard-to-pronounce - and now easier-to-get in Oklahoma - beer, our collective love of improv (to watch not to do!), and her insistence that she has a (fake) bunko group (bunko isn't real). I try to show interest in said fake activity, while also sharing some valuable lessons I have learned on the mic the past month.
Andrea Has Questions is hosted by Andrea Myers. Watch episodes on YouTube, follow the show on Instagram or visit